Accredited Degrees

Earn degrees accredited by the National Accreditation Board (Ghana) and the Accrediting Association of Adventist Universities.  You can transfer the credits you earn at VVU to many Universities. 

Academic Standards

Learn with an international staff of highly-qualified teachers, who are interested in you as a student.

International Flavour

Make friends with different nationalities on a campus that is good enough to maintain a family atmosphere.

Congenial Setting

The University is located on a 335-acre pristine land, some 31 kilometres northeast of Accra.  The country-side setting provides a very congenial environment for studies and personal meditation.

Proximity to City

The university is close to the capital city Accra with a multi-cultural environment.

Christian Community

Study with other Christians in a Seventh-day Adventist University. Here the whole University family cares for one another with Christian love. Here you will experience the “Very, Very Unique” (VVU) Christian and human touch to academic pursuit. 

Value for Money

You will get more than your money’s worth at Valley View University.